These are very crude results but are very encouraging as to proving the concept. The next phase is to work with a company or two to collaborate with to obtain identical vehicles in close proximity showing data, one with the Shade4Utm system and one without. This will become the empirical data that I need to launch the Kickstarter Campaign and prove out the proof of concept.
The left image is of not using the Shade4Utm system. The maximum temperature reached was 147.5℉. The dip at about 11:50 am till about 12:33 pm was when I drove home and used my air conditioner so it cooled the interior down some.
The right image is of the data where the Shade4Utm system was installed all day, a maximum temperature reached was just 116.0℉.
That’s a 31.5℉ difference!
18 minutes – No Shade4Utm 18 minutes – Shade4Utm
At 1:02 pm Saturday afternoon I stopped to get a bite to eat and didn’t install the Shade4Utm system for just 18 minutes. In that time, the temperature climbed 9.3 degrees to 106.1℉.
Drove home with a/c on which cooled the interior down to 97.7℉. Put on the Shade4Utm system and checked the temperature 18 minutes later, temperature climbed just 2.6 degrees to 100.3℉ ultimately reaching just 118.0℉ at 4:11 pm, 2 hours and 17 minutes later.
In that 18 minutes, that means the Shade4Utm system was 3.6 times more efficient!
137 minutes to 118 degrees 42 minutes to 118 degrees
These images show the time for the interior of the car to get to 118 ℉.
The left is on Saturday July 25th, the starting temp is 97.7 ℉ and reaches 118 ℉ in 2 1/3 hours.
The right is Sunday July 26th, the starting temp is lower than Saturday’s by 12.1 degrees, starting at 85.6 ℉ and taking just 1 hour 3 minutes to reach the same 118 ℉. From the same 97 degrees, it took just 42 minutes and it was earlier in the day.
With the Shade4Utm it took 137 minutes, without the Shade4Utm it took just 42 minutes.